


如何申請簽證(英文) PDF下載

如何申請簽證(中文) PDF下載



中文翻譯和填寫說明 (有些資料要參考護照,全部以英文填寫,包括行程規劃)


1. Surname: 姓氏 (請參考護照上的羅馬拚音)

2. First name(s): 名字

3. Date of birth: 生日,英式寫法是 //年,但月份我會寫英文(六月=Jane)

4. Place of birth: 出生地

5. Nationality: 國籍

6. Male/Female: 性別

7: Marital status: 婚姻狀態(單身/SINGLE, 已婚/MARRIED)

8. Name and nationality of spouse if applicable: 配偶的名字和國籍。沒有就寫none

9. Present address, telephone number and email: 現居地、電話和email

10: Occupation: 職業

11. Name of employer or school/college 公司/學校 名稱

12. Passport Number: 護照號碼

13. Date of expiry: 護照到期日期

14. Date and place of issue: 護照發行日期和地方



15. Proposed date of arrival: 計劃到達愛爾蘭的日期

16. Proposed duration of stay: 計劃待多久

17. Proposed itinerary: 行程規劃(如何找工作、住宿,如何安排旅遊行程)

18. What type of employment/course of studies do you intend to seek?: 你要找什麼樣類型的工作/學習課程?

19. Have you sought advice on the availability of such employment/course of studies?: 你已經找到工作/課程了嗎?

20. Details of any employment/course of studies arranged for your stay in Ireland:詳細敘述任何已經在愛爾蘭安排好的工作/課程

21. Details of reference in Ireland if applicable: Name: Relationship to applicant: Address: Telephone Number: 有無愛爾蘭的推薦人(選填),有的話請提供對方名字、關係、地址和電話號碼



If you have ever lived in another country please give details:

如果你居住過其他國家,請詳細說明。(如果你的身份是雙重國籍,或是在外地工作/讀書很長一段時間才需填寫,若沒有就寫 I have not live in another country.)



Have you at any time:

• Suffered from any dangerous disease such as tuberculosis? YES  NO  有無生過重大疾病,如肺結核

• Used, been addicted to or trafficked in narcotics? YES  NO  


• Been convicted of a criminal offence in any country? YES  NO


• Been deported or excluded from any country? YES  NO



I agree to the following terms and conditions:

• I have sufficient funds, or access to such funds, to support myself during a substantial part of my visit;

• Working Holiday Authorisations are valid for presentation at an Irish port of entry within six months of the date of issue;

• Holders of Working Holiday Authorisations intending to remain in Ireland for a period in excess of 90 days must register with the Garda National Immigration Bureau and will be issued with a Certificate of Registration (GNIB Registration Card) on payment of the appropriate fee;

• Working Holiday Authorisations are issued on an individual basis. Holders of Working Holiday Authorisations shall not seek to be accompanied or joined by a spouse or dependents unless they are also in possession of a working holiday authorisation;

• Permission granted to those entering Ireland on the basis of a Working Holiday Authorisation shall be valid for a maximum period of twelve (12) months from the date of initial entry into Ireland. Extensions to the period of validity shall not be granted. Participants must leave Ireland on the expiration of permission which cannot be extended, either under the authorisation itself or through attempting to convert it to a different form of immigration status;

• Persons who are already in Ireland with an immigration status other than that based on a Working Holiday Authorisation may not convert to permission based on a Working Holiday Authorisation without leaving Ireland and re-entering on the basis of the valid Working Holiday Authorisation.

• I have answered all of the questions above and the particulars above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Signed:    Date:








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